Ever felt the need to have a software that can help you draw mind maps, flow charts etc. when you and your team are brainstorming for the next big thing for your group project, when ideas are flowing faster than speed of light and you have been handed the challenging task of compiling all these ideas to review and critic later.
My prof used to say, never shoot down any idea during a brainstorming session. Accumulate and store whatever you can come up as one great idea is all you need to make a project a big success.
Welcome to the world of Mindmaps and brainstorming tools.
Here, I introduce you to 2 such wonderful tools, thanks to the web 2.0 innovations - Bubbl.us and Mindomo.
After using it for the last few weeks, I am just hooked on to them and not sure how I had survived without them for so long. Nice thing is that the mind maps can be exported as image files or objects that can be embedded in blogs.
Below is a demonstration of their usefulness.

Highly recommended
2.Bubbl.us: Amazingly intuitive and fun to use. Look at the nice flash blog insert. I used it to create one of my marketing and product management module's new concept idea. Do check out the site and try the actual thing to see how good it works. Though not that feature rich as Mindomo, bubbl packs a punch in ease to use and speed. It loads and seems faster to work with.
For those who are still wondering what the hell these Mind maps and Brain storming tools are,..do try one of these and experience the joys of productivity and creative exploration.
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